Community activist, food bank founder-green energy co-op Author * Food Bank Britain *-DEPTFORD radicle history & Liberty , play-book true story Kath Duncan battle 2 establish UK civil. Bio The Last Queen of Scotland Out 2018 .Am guest speaker, social enterprise -poverty-food waste issues . Broadcaster & write The London Economic . My aim giving updates, comments, insight what establishment up 2 across Globe & briefing you on Campaigners MSM chose 2 ignore .
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Sunday, 13 January 2019
#Liberty Stage play the most important LGBTQ , Civil Rights play of 2019 says the Canary.
The most groundbreaking play of 2019 is about to open in London

A play based on a long-forgotten civil rights hero is about to open in London. But if you’re looking for something run-of-the-mill, then this isn’t for you; which is probably a very good thing. Because the show’s use of social media and its cast are positively groundbreaking.
Scottish born, Scottish bred?
Kath Duncan was a Scottish-born political activist during the early part of the 20th century. She lived and taught in south London. But then a judge imprisoned her for six months in 1932 for being a “disturber of the Peace of our Lord, the King”. Her crime? Singing the Labour Party anthem The Red Flag and speaking at a demonstration.
Duncan’s second arrest and subsequent trial in 1936 became one of the first court cases undertaken by the human rights organisation we now know as Liberty, and it also put into motion the laws over freedom of speech that we have today.
The world previously knew little about her life. That is until author, campaigner, and broadcaster Ray Woolford found her story. He has now turned it into a one-act play called Liberty. The Canary caught up with him to discuss long-forgotten heroes, gender fluidity and Duncan’s legacy.
Forgotten heroes
Duncan has an illustrious history. From being active in the suffragette movement to being at Cable Street, via politics within the Communist Party. She was also a key member of the selection process for people going to fight for the republic in the Spanish Civil War.
Interestingly, in 1917 she developed a lifelong friendship with Sir Winston Churchill. It was a friendship that ensured both British and Russian secret services would seek to recruit her as a spy. She declined both offers.
A “national treasure”?
But for Woolford there wasn’t an overriding aspect of Duncan’s life which drew him to her story. Rather, as he told The Canary, he always feels “cheated” when society forgets working class heroes:
In the year we remember 100 years of women’s activism and 100 years of the vote for some women, I always feel cheated that society always forgets the stories of working-class heroes that I can relate to, people who fought and won our battles – especially women. We leave them in the shadows. How could it be that Kath Duncan, who led so many civil rights and social justice campaigns, was ignored and erased from history? Should she not be restored to national treasure status for her amazing activism that actually won change?
Why do so many on the left talk about working class, and yet stay silent about the women like Kath that without this stage play and book would still be unknown? Why do we allow this? And why do we care so little about people once they’re six feet under? People who fought our battles? This play is so important; not because of Kath alone, but because it shows the power of one woman to take on the system and win time and time again, against the odds. Should this not be what we should be using as our inspiration today?
Charting history
Liberty, brought to the stage by Red Blouse Theatre, charts a brief period of Duncan’s life in 1930s Deptford, London. Opening with Duncan “on her soap box” after going out to support striking dockworkers in Woolwich, it quickly turns dark. Police brutally break up the protest, and subsequent events lead to Duncan’s first trial and eventual imprisonment.
The structure of Liberty is unconventional. Woolford opens with a newspaper clipping of Duncan’s first trial in 1932 and then moves on to give a potted history of her life in the third person. He also gives a history of Deptford, including the Peasant’s Revolt of 1381. After the potted histories, comes the actual play. It charts the dramatic events leading up to and during Duncan’s first imprisonment, including actual Hansard records of the debate in parliament about her at the time. Again, Woolford intersperses this with contemporaneous newspaper cuttings, adding to the stark reality of events.
But it’s perhaps the production and the cast which are breaking down the most barriers.
Groundbreaking theatre
Directing Liberty is Karen Douglas, founder of SpartaKi Theatre. The musical director is Rona Topaz; although Woolford is quick to point out it’s not a “musical”, but a “stunning production with songs”. He has written several himself for Liberty. Renowned fight/stunt director Ronin Traynor has staged the battle scenes.
Meanwhile, the gender fluid cast includes some well-known names.
Emily Carding takes the role of Duncan, leading a cast where women play many of the male roles. Danish-Brazilian actress Ana Luiza Ulsig features alongside Celebrity Big Brother winner and Hollyoaks actor Alex Reid and actress Amy Whitrod Brown. Meanwhile, Giorgio Borghes will bring to life his stage persona Claudia F to highlight the activism of Percy Duke in the 1930s . A judge gave Duke 12 months hard labour for wearing a dress in public.
But Woolford’s plans for audience engagement are equally interesting. One show will be live streamed to dozens of countries where being LGBTQI+ is still illegal. Also, parts of Liberty will be fed live onto social media for people to interact with. All in all, it makes for a staggeringly inventive experience.
No edge lost here
Woolford told The Canary:
There is no point writing or producing a great play if you are not willing to push boundaries. Nor if you’re unwilling to change not just the narrative but also how theatre is done for the masses. People forget that theatre used to be the way working class people heard news, shared stories and mobilised and organised against injustice.
That edge has been lost and many believe theatre is not for the masses now – it’s just for the elite. That’s why in ‘Liberty’ we are not only using social media in a way never used before in period drama, but we are also selling tickets from as little as £5. This is so people can afford to come once or twice and get inspired. We hope people leave the theatre not just singing songs from the show, but ready to reengage politically with their communities; just as Kath would have wanted them to.
Giving back
But Liberty isn’t just about Duncan, the theatre and history. It’s also about giving something back to the community of Deptford. At the same time as the play runs, Woolford’s other venture, the Deptford Heritage Festival is on.
All profits from the play and the festival will fund a school holiday project run by the local community. It keeps children fed and safe during the school holidays, and which, despite growing need, receives no government or council funding. But it’s a damning indictment of the state of the UK that theatre is funding school holiday activity. Woolford, who has been running a foodbank for many years, has seen a drop in donations of late.
“Exhausted with giving”
He told The Canary:
Sadly, ‘giving’ has exhausted people. We put on events, stage the Deptford Heritage Festival and this play ‘Liberty’. It’s all so we can have a secure income in the age of cuts and austerity. We want to plan projects and ensure every penny we raise can help and support the maximum number of people in the most cohesive way possible. Many projects struggle because they don’t have a cash flow. This play will literally change and save lives; if people come and see it. That’s what community activism is about. But we must change the way we campaign and raise funds for our causes as money gets tighter.
Challenging history while making it
Woolford has high hopes for Liberty. But they’re not just for the play.:
I hope everyone will leave ‘Liberty’ feeling empowered. This was an ordinary Scot from Kirkcaldy; admittedly who was better off than most. But as a teacher Kath saw the impact of social justice and inequality through the kids she taught. She was determined to make a stand and do her bit. The fact she fought and won almost every campaign she was involved in makes her not ordinary, but extraordinary. Yet every one of use could be Kath Duncan in the way so many identified with ‘I Daniel Blake’.
We need to challenge the history the establishment teaches us, and ensure more working-class hero’s stories are told through stage and film.
It’s taken 80-plus years to get Kath Duncan’s story told. And yet it’s our story, our LGBTQI+ and our civil rights history and successful activism. Why is it in the country that claims to be the capital and centre of civil rights is our own history never spoken of, never talked about, never remembered? This play is the story of so many that fought, marched and served jail time before us. For us, it is easier than it was for them. But the issues are not dissimilar.
Liberty looks set to be groundbreaking. But more than that, it’s a play that could literally change people’s lives, in more ways than one.
Get involved
- Buy tickets for Liberty and the Deptford Heritage Festival.
- Liberty is running from 14-28 February at Zion Baptist Chapel, New Cross Road, Deptford SE14 6TJ .
Friday, 11 January 2019
Monday, 7 January 2019
#Tickets 4 #Deptford #Heritage #Festival & #Liberty #London #stage #play 1-28 February 2019
Deptford Heritage Festival events tickets as well as tickets for the civil rights play LIBERTY
Sunday, 6 January 2019
3 #International #Deptford #Heritage #Festival & #Libert Civil Rights play #PressRelease Jan 7 2019
Press Release .
7 January 2019.
The most important LGBT and Civil rights stage play of 2019 that in year we remember 100 years Women Activism seeks to bring out of the shadow’s the life and true story of the most important Scottish and UK civil rights activist the past 100 years, Kath Duncan & for the first time tell true story how OUR LGBTQ & Civil rights were fought & won in 1930s Britain
#Liberty a 1930s period play telling the true events that established the LGBTQ and Civil rights movement in 1930s Britain will be streamed globally as part LGBTQ history month 14-29 February 2019 & The Deptford Heritage Festival 1-28 February 2019, to the 72 Countries to be LGBTQ is still against the law & every country in which Civil rights still do not exist
#Liberty a highly anticipated new stage production Directed by leading Scot & Uk Director Karen Douglas with Rona Topaz as musical director ( although this stunning production has songs, it is NOT a musical ) the fight and battle scenes for the production are being staged by the World’s number one film and stage fight Director , Ronin Traynor .
The gender flued acting cast is one of the most interesting to come to the London stage and will see music, film, and social media used in the present in a way NEVER used before on a theatre stage, The Zion Baptist Chapel that has just been totally restored to be London’s new performance space and creative space to show case new writers, small Independent theatre Companies and be a stage for all aspects of rising talent with Kath Duncan played by one of the UK finest actors Emily Carding whose productions of Hamlet, Richard111, and Apparatus have won high acclaim and awards from Edinburgh, Prague and Brighton fringe to her resent stunning reviews on New York Broadway , established as one of the finest actors of her age for playing men , Emily will lead an almost full female gender fluid cast playing men’s roles in a mainly all women lead Red Blouse Theatre production , recreating on stage for the first time since 1930s, Kath Duncan , other cast members include the Brazilian International star who has fled fascism in Brazil Ana luiza Ulsig , celebrity big bother winner and Hollyoaks actor Alex Reid whilst in the age in which one Trans person is killed every week in USA alone, actor singer Giorgio Borghes will bring to the stage the present through his Drag Idol creation Claudia F to highlight the activism of Percy Duke in 1930s who was given 12 months hard labour for wearing a dress in public, Giorgio whilst reflecting on this story will bring the play back up to date with were we are NOW, whilst singing the new Gay duet tango inspired love song written especially for the stage play #ForbiddenLove
In 2019 is it not time we celebrate Our working class heroes left in the shadows far too long and in 2019 should not our theatres and media be doing more to promote UK stories , UK writers and UK independent productions like #Liberty ? if we keep filling OUR theatres and media news with only USA stories and productions we will by default destroy one of the jewels in the UK cultural jewel box.
The 3rd International Deptford Heritage Festival will be London’s largest heritage festival and will run from 1 to 28 February 2019, which includes the global #LGBTQ History Month.
The Deptford Heritage Festival brings together the country’s leading experts on people such as Lord Nelson, Christopher Marlowe, Peter the Great, Robert & Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the MacMillan sisters, Kath Duncan, and Olaudan Equiano, whose lives in Deptford have not just shaped the history of Deptford but of the whole world.
Traditionally held over the first bank holiday in May, the Deptford Heritage Festival brings together local schools, community groups, choirs, artists, writers, performers, poets, musicians, historians, and local residents of all ages and diversity, to celebrate community and working class history at a period in our history in which gentrification seems about to erase the area’s awesome heritage, identity, sense of community, and place and importance in world history.
Tickets for #Liberty cost from just £5 and give free access to ALL other festival events except for the History Tour Bus.
The opening night celebrity gala on 14 February 2019 (Valentine’s Day) will be a tribute to the country’s inspirational women activists with the UK and some of the World’s leading Civil rights leaders , a full list to be published soon. Production and tickets will cost £25.
Tickets are on sale now from and and would make fantastic presents or Valentine’s Day gifts.
All profits from the festival will fund a school holiday project run by the local community that keeps kids fed and safe during the school holidays, and which, despite growing need, receives no government or council funding. The festival and the play #Liberty are still looking for sponsorship so that more of the funds raised can go directly to this project.
PRIDE events ; The Stunning stage play and or the Film can be booked as a Pride event fund raiser at usual equity rates.
For We Welcome requests in advance of 14 February first night for media requests for cast and production team interviews. We are also happy to forward links to the songs written exclusively for this stage play, that whilst does have some great tunes, it is NOT a musical ,
For Free Press critic passes please RSVP the date you can attend with Name plus one.
Text: 07871187162
Twitter: @BlouseRed @DeptfordHerita1
Telephone (Festival Office): 0203 632 6196
A long overdue biography of Kath Duncan, The Last Queen of Scotland, has been written by Ray Barron-Woolford and will be published by New York Publisher Austin McCauley early in 2019. are about to start production of a film about Kath Duncan’s life based on Ray Barron-Woolford’s play and biography. You should contact them direct if you want to get involved.
Buy tickets for Deptford Heritage Festival 's forthcoming events. Click the link for further information and to secure your tickets now!
Tuesday, 1 January 2019
3 #International #Deptford #Heritage #Festival & Stage play #Liberty #Press release 2019
Press Release .
2 January 2019.
The most important LGBT and Civil rights stage play of 2019 that in year we remember 100 years Women Activism seeks to bring out of the Shadow’s the life and true story of the most important Scottish and UK civil rights activist the past 100 years, Kath Duncan & for the first time tell true story how OUR LGBTQ & Civil rights were fought & won in 1930s Britain
#Liberty a 1930s period play telling the true events that established the LGBTQ and Civil rights movement in 1930s Britain will be streamed globally as part LGBTQ history month 14-29 February 2019 and The Deptford Heritage Festival 1-28 February 2019, to the 72 Countries to be LGBTQ is still against the law & every country in which Civil rights still do not exist
#Liberty a highly anticipated new stage production Directed by leading Scot & Uk Director Karen Douglas with Rona Topaz as musical director ( although this stunning production has songs, it is NOT a musical ) the fight and battle scenes for the production are being staged by the World’s number one film and stage fight Director , Ronin Traynor .
The gender flued acting cast is one of the most interesting to come to the London stage and will see music, film, and social media used in the present in a way never used before on a theatre stage, with Kath Duncan played by one of the UK finest actors Emily Carding whose productions of Hamlet, Richard111 have won high acclaim and awards from Edinburgh, Prague and Brighton fringe to her resent stunning reviews on New York Broadway , established as one of the finest actors of her age for playing men , Emily will lead an almost full female cast playing men’s roles in a mainly all women lead Red Blouse Theatre production , recreating on stage for the first time since 1930s, Kath Duncan , other cast members include the Brazilian International star who has fled fascism in Brazil Ana luiza Ulsig , celebrity big bother winner and Hollyoaks actor Alex Reid whilst in the age in which one Trans person is killed every week in USA alone, actor singer Giorgio Borghes will bring to the stage the present through his Drag Idol creation Claudia F to highlight the activism of Percy Duke in 1930s who was given 12 months hard labour for wearing a dress in public, Giorgio whilst reflecting on this story will bring the play back up to date with were we are NOW, whilst singing the new Gay love song written especially for the stage play #ForbiddenLove
The 3rd International Deptford Heritage Festival will be London’s largest heritage festival and will run from 1 to 28 February 2019, which includes the global #LGBTQ History Month.
The Deptford Heritage Festival brings together the country’s leading experts on people such as Lord Nelson, Christopher Marlowe, Peter the Great, the MacMillan sisters, Kath Duncan, and Olaudan Equiano, whose lives in Deptford have not just shaped the history of Deptford but of the whole world.
Traditionally held over the first bank holiday in May, the Deptford Heritage Festival brings together local schools, community groups, choirs, artists, writers, performers, poets, musicians, historians, and local residents of all ages and diversity, to celebrate community and working class history at a period in our history in which gentrification seems about to erase the area’s awesome heritage, identity, sense of community, and place and importance in world history.
Tickets for #Liberty cost £15 and give free access to ALL other festival events except for the History Tour Bus.
The opening night celebrity gala on 14 February 2019 (Valentine’s Day) will be a tribute to the country’s inspirational women activists with the UK and some of the World’s leading Civil rights leaders , a full list to be published soon. Production and tickets will cost £25.
Tickets are on sale now from and and would make fantastic Christmas presents or Valentine’s Day gifts.
All profits from the festival will fund a school holiday project run by the local community that keeps kids fed and safe during the school holidays, and which, despite growing need, receives no government or council funding. The festival and the play #Liberty are still looking for sponsorship so that more of the funds raised can go directly to this project.
PRIDE events ; The Stunning stage play and or the Film can be booked as a Pride event fund raiser at usual equity rates.
For press, Cast Interviews
For Free Press critic passes please RSVP the date you can attend with Name plus one.
Text: 07871187162
Twitter: @BlouseRed @DeptfordHerita1
Telephone (Festival Office): 0203 632 196
A long overdue biography of Kath Duncan, The Last Queen of Scotland, has been written by Ray Barron-Woolford and will be published by New York Publisher Austin McCauley early in 2019.
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