Monday 17 March 2014

Ed Milibands/ Bildenberg Group position on TTIP at odds with promise to save NHS.

To: "" <>
Subject: FW: [stopttip] Another Big Lie: Miliband’s pledge on TTIP: ‘Labour will protect the NHS’
Folk might be interestd to see this debate within TTIP activists about the LP.

Also , here is an interesting article about the Bildenberg Group, which i am sure most people are familiar with.

Subject: Re: [stopttip] Another Big Lie: Miliband’s pledge on TTIP: ‘Labour will protect the NHS’
Hi Lucy

Quite right.

Healey is a Bilderberger. Balls was at Bilderberg this year. Privatisation of the NHS accelerated under Blair who laid the foundations for what followed under Cameron. Party politics don't determine policy - it's business, decided at Bilderberg meetings, fleshed out at G8 and Davos and then implemented by the G20.


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