Thursday, 11 July 2013

Deptford Station West End Connection to be stopped as reported by People Before Profit 18 Months ago.

The campaign to keep direct trains to WaPeople terloo Peopand Charing Cross begins

Mike Sparham, convenor of Greenwich Line Users’ Group, discusses the plans to stop all direct trains to Waterloo East and Charing Cross.

In 2014 trains will have been running for 150 years between Charing Cross and Deptford. Unfortunately, it may also be the last year as, from January 2015, there are plans to stop all direct trains to Waterloo East and Charing Cross, with all services diverted into Cannon Street. Even worse, for three years until the beginning of 2018, it will not even be possible to change trains at London Bridge for a Southeastern service to these stations.
This is all a consequence of the Thameslink programme, a £6bn Government-funded scheme to improve capacity on the Thameslink route through the re-building of London Bridge. This programme means that from January 2015 until August 2016 no Charing Cross trains will call at London Bridge. From August 2016 to early 2018 no Cannon Street trains will call at London Bridge, meaning that when you get on a London-bound train at Deptford it will whisk (or trundle) you to Cannon Street but nowhere else. And it is no use walking to New Cross, as that station is also affected the same way.
Once the work is complete, it will once again be possible to change at London Bridge, but there will be no physical track connection that will enable trains to reach Charing Cross. So, after 150 years, the West End will no longer be reached by direct trains.
The Greenwich Line Users’ Group has been formed to represent the interests of all passengers who use the Greenwich Line. Whilst we recognise that the work at London Bridge will bring about many improvements for passengers generally, it will disadvantage users of the Greenwich Line. Our objective is to remove that disadvantage. Insufficient thought has been given by the Department for Transport to the impact on the Greenwich Line and the possible ways in which direct Charing Cross services could be maintained.
Cannon Street is a fine station for the City, but hopeless for getting to and from the West End. The Group will be lobbying the Department for Transport, Network Rail and Southeastern trains for a service that meets the needs of South East Londoners.
The Users’ Group can be contacted at We will be happy to receive your comments or questions.


8 Responses to “The campaign to keep direct trains to Waterloo and Charing Cross begins”

  1. Jesssays:
    I moved to Deptford last month – one of the major reasons being that my journey into work (Soho, Charing Cross stop) would be made so much easier than when I lived in New Cross.
    South east London is already cut off from the town’s centre. Restricting the line from Deptford like this seems to be a backwards move in the regeneration of Lewisham.
    Is there a petition? Where can I sign?
  2. Lord Palmerstonsays:
    That will be an added attraction for the 10,000 plus occupants of the proposed development at Convoys Wharf.
    I wonder if the planning committee in leafy Catford are even aware ?
  3. Alan Burkitt-Graysays:
    A bit late to be protesting. Network Rail and its predecessors have been planning the Thameslink programme for a decade or more (actually, more, as it was originally called Thameslink 2000, and was delayed because of planning concerns in central London). London Bridge station is already being rebuilt — just look at it. You think the project can be stopped midway and replanned? No.
  4. Mickey Deessays:
    So how are we meant to get from Greenwich to London Bridge for work from Jan 2015? I chose to move here because of this train link.
    How is anyone not going to Hastings/Tunbridge Wells etc… meant to get home from Charing Cross after a day in town without going to Lewisham if we cant change at London Bridge?
    This is a preposterous alteration to the timetable! I really hope this is a joke as it will muck up so many peoples lives.
  5. “So, after 150 years, the West End will no longer be reached by direct trains.”
    No, after about 90 years. The direct link between London Bridge and Charing Cross was built in the 1920s. Until then trains to and from Charing Cross reversed at Cannon Street.
  6. Mickey Deessays:
    Well I expect most people in South East London barely know what Thameslink even is. To be honest despite having lived here for nearly 10 years I had to look it up to be sure. I rarely see many of its trains pass through London Bridge station compared to Southeastern or Southern trains so I am not exactly sure why improving it takes such priority over the rest of us being able to get to work!
    If its more about improving the station then fine, but they should share the available slots across ALL the lines, not simply pick one line and say ‘right, no more London Bridge trains for them’.
    I have just mentioned this to a few friends who also live in the South East who are dependent on our London Bridge services to get to work/play and nobody I spoke to heard about this because we are just normal people who just go to work every day and assume that the trains will be there for us. Who would actually navigate to TFLs website unprompted to check out the status of the London Bridge refurbishment in fairness, less than 1% of passengers I’ll bet?
    So I expect TFL and Boris will have quite a few angry people bombarding them if South East London is to be disconnected from London Bridge and the West End as is suggested.
  7. Juliettesays:
    I find this extremily worrying. Why don’t they focus on making the services during rush hour better rather than taking services away. I moved to Deptford in January and work in Soho, how am I going to get to work easily if my line to Charing Cross is cut? As if commuting isn’t hell enough as it is!
    What about the new developments, who is going to live there if they hear about this?
    I signed a lease for 3 years, I’m really not happy about this and this will probably mean I will have to move. I might be working in Wimbledon soon, for which I thought I could easily take the train to Waterloo East. But if that will no longer be possible, it will make commuting even harder…
    And while we’re on the subject of Deptford, why are there NO traffic lights at the crossing near Deptford Bridge? It is probably the most nervewrecking crossing to cross, and I find it highly dangerous!
  8. Petersays:
    Is this down to Network Rail, who own and run the rails, or Network Rail and Southeastern, who operate our trains? Or is it down to Thameslink, for whom the work is being carried out?
    I think it’s Network Rail. I think they have built up a great deal of expertise in avoiding the revelation of unpleasant facts about their projects.
    That’s why we are finding out about it now.
    When they were putting a new line in at St Johns, needed because of the Thameslink works, they occupied the site for six months; caused disruption for commuters daily; nearly caused a revolt among local householders with the noise and inconvenience, such as total possession of the bridge and the street outside people’s homes. I think they had to buy them off in the end.
    This is how Network Rail treats the public.
    Don’t accept this shoddy treatment.
    Fight Network Rail’s plans to downgrade train services from New Cross and Deptford!
  9. Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
    People before Profit raised this issue last year and again at the public consultation on Convoy Wharf, sadly it seems in the 184 papers of Convoy Wharf papers some residents were unaware of our Action on this, we also leafleted Deptford station 3 Times to raise awareness, i have also raised it with Canada water consultative forum Southwark and Greenwich Council do put further pressure on Lewisham council to act on this.Sadly as well reported in the Local Campaigner News Letter our Labour Council has been Bought Lock Stock and Developer Kick Back . local residents are seen as always voting Labour and as such Labour Dump everything on our area confident what ever they do or do not do, You the People of Deptfotrd will keep voting them in because that is what has always happened here. Far to many residents Vote without though or reason.

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