Monday, 16 July 2012

Lewisham Council and the 250 new council homes

Just days after winning our housing campaign, Lewisham council have published plans to build 250 new council homes. People before profit hope this is not just cheap election talk, as they are set to lose the New Cross ward By-Election when it is called. In an interview with South London Press today, i requested that any homes built, reflect real local housing need, and that part of the proposals must included housing for young people.# From next April any one under the age of 35 years will no longer be able to secure social housing, only rooms and bedsits. We are also concerned at proposals to take away all benifit from people under 25 years old, they also need housing. people before profit also want to see these homes built with Local residents securing the jobs. Self build may also be an option. We are still though demanding and reminding the Council that it must bring back into use the 2000 empty homes across the borough, and to turn empty buidings into residential use. This is a fight our supporters can be proud to have been part. We need to get other Community activists to set up People before Branches across the UK, and build greater links with our elected members in Ireland.

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