Monday, 19 August 2013

Local Food Bank Donations; Lewisham & Greenwich Borough food Bank

We Care run Independent Food Banks and Advice centres in south east London with a model that is being copied across the UK. We are not funded by State or business interests and buy food via fareshare and are supported by members of People Before Profit.
We presently give our around 1000 food parcels a month and have a very busy community advice centre joined to our Food bank that opens 6 days a week , as does our Charitie furniture and cloths shop.
We constantly need Furniture, cloths and funds to buy food, pay utility bills and our rent and rates. Please make a regular monthly donation. £35 buys a cloths rail that with donated cloths can produce £1000 per year in income.
We Care Food Bank Account is with Lewisham Co-Op
Sort Code 08 92 99
Account number 65659328

We are open 11am-2pm Monday-Saturday

467 New cross road Deptford Se14 6TA

Office line open 9am-2pm Monday -Saturday ;0207 231 0535

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