Monday 26 January 2015

#Housing crisis People Before Profit Occupy town hall green and build an eco home 2 highlight Lab failure in Lewisham.

Press Release; OCCUPIED NOW

Lewisham People Before Profit, have Occupied and built a Eco home on the Entrance Green to Lewisham Town Hall in Catford , it Even has its  own Piano..

TODAY AT 12 Midday Local Mums and children dumped in Hostels will be holding a Tea Party at the House, to highlight the Misery of Families in Hostels and B&B .

Lewisham Labour council, has built just 6 Council homes in 40 years of Labour Council control and 13 Years of Labour Government.

Lewisham has 2.521 Empty homes by its own published figures, which does not include the staggering number of empty buildings across Lewisham left to rot by Labour.

Beeson Street New Cross was a Council estate owned by Labour Lewisham , after People Before Profit campaigned on the scandal of hundreds of empty homes left to rot, Labour just Bulldozed the estate, 8 years later the Land is waste when homes could have been built for as little as £30.000, it Costs £44.000 a year to keep just one of the Mums attending out Tea Party in a Hostel.

Lewisham Labour Councils homeless persons unit is a disgrace the way it treats homeless people is a National Scandal , with people ending up living in our parks .

Lewisham Labour Council has removed 10.000 people on its waiting list as further evidence of a Labour Council out of touch with the people it was elected to serve, with many believing that the present Labour Council is in the pocket of the Developers..

As a Nation we spend £27 Billion on Housing Benefit, More and More homes are going up in Lewisham not to support or deal with local housing need, but to boost profit and weath of  Overseas investors.

Lewisham People Before Profit secured 20.000 Votes in Mays local election beating all other Party’s in our 6 target wards coming second to Labour.. Something main stream media seem to have chosen to Ignore.

People Before Profit house of cards at Catford Town Hall

Packed LPBP Burns night supper

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