Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Betting Shop Victory for Deptford High Street. Residents Win Objection

Some times public anger and people working together can lead to success in hard times. with plans to open the 11th Betting Shop in Deptford high street ( Betfred ) residents groups such as Lewisham People before profit mobilized objections to planning law, and gave Councillors the clear legal grounds to object to this planning application.If we as residents do our home work, as clearly councillors are to busy to do, we can win on planning issues, as this case proves.the crazy thing about planning law, is that Bet Fred had to put forward an application for a licence, as legally the council, can not object, the consent was given, so they have a licence to run a betting shop in Deptford High street, but no planning consent to open.
I am always i think justly giving Lewisham Council a hard time.. on this rare occassion, i will say thank you for listerning...

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