Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Cheap Beds TV Household Garage sale

You can buy Single beds from your £25. New TVs from £80 and duvets and duvet sets from just £3. China, Desks and Tables and the cheapest furniture and household goods are about to go on sale at 467 New Cross Road Next to Housemartins New Cross office, and opposite Florence Road/Prince albert Pub. Deptford Se14. The Almost new furniture, which has both modern and Retro, is going to be a clearence centre for furniture and crokery etc that was bought and used only for the Olympic games, as well as Tea pots, and art work from the former Come the Revolution Cafe.. Opening Hours are 10am-4pm Monday to Friday and 11am-2pm Saturday for 1 week only from Friday 24 August until Saturday 1st September. Money raised will be used to help fund the new Lewisham Food bank which is being set up to help people and pets with food parcels.

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