Tuesday 26 February 2013

Do Not Dump on Deptford.. Plans for Chemical waste Plant

Just as  you thought air quality could not get an worse.
 Lewisham Labour Council are set to agree to the opening of a Chemical waste plant in the middle of the Evelyn ward Deptford. This is on top of the Thames water sewage tunnel that Labour has failed to stop and the terrible traffic issues caused by the 8.000 new flats planned along Deptford river front.
After the resent by election in which People Before Profit put this firmly on the political, agenda local residents seem happy with the Chemical waste plant plans and voted Labour who support the proposal , Residents had a choice  and we except the that residents are happy with the plans giving Labour there votes on March 28th.

This week Friday 29 March South London Press have put this campaign on front page of Deptford & New Cross edition

Full details;
Hinkcroft Transport Ltd based at Landman Way Deptford have applied to change their existing Environment permit from food waste to clinical waste and what is called Frag from cars.
The  waste is set to come from Human and Animal Health Care/Research places.
at present Hinkcroft have licence for 200.000 tonnes of food and non hazardous waste per year.
In 2011 Hinkcroft Transport Ltd was prosecuted successfully  after lengthy investigations for persistent permit breaches . In April 2011 they were fined £87.837.

People Before Profit therefore do not think this is a fit and proper company to deal with chemical waste and we oppose this upgrade in permit.

We have 4 primary schools and a family residential area just yards from this site.

We are presently doing door to door petitions and we need all the help we can get to stop this please email if you can coolect names in your street, road, block.We presently have Hundreds of people who have signed, but still need help door to door with petitions.

Deptford is about to get the new Thames water sewage plant, it already has SELCHIP and with 8000 homes planned for the area, will have major issues caused by polution from lorries, trucks etc working on these developments.

People Before Profit  organised  a protest at  3,30pm Monday 18 March this event had media Coverage

Deptford has amongst the worst air quality in England with highest rate of children with asthma.

Object by email;


Application details can be seen at Lewisham Town Hall Catford SE6 4RU

Email me to Help.raymondwoolford@aol.com

Follow me on Twitter for local updates @Raywoolford

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