Friday, 30 November 2012


Dear All.
             Private Finance Initiative PFI, set up by the Labour party is cripperling the Health Service and Schools, it offers extremly poor value for the tax payer, but insures these loan sharks make Billions.
Bromley and Woolwich Hospitals were built for £210 Million, we the tax Payer have paid back £500 Million, by the end of the Lease we as tax payers would pay in rent and service charges a Staggering £2 Billion, and we will not even own the Buildings.
Across London A&E Departments are closing in part due to PFI. People before profit have Launched a Nationwide petition via the Number 10 Website petition to bring about a Commons debate to outlaw PFI. which we cannot afford and offers terrible value for money.

Please sign this online petition. we need 100.000 Signatures. Please forward to every one on your email list.

Save our Schools and the NHS>

More details on People Before Profit Website or Londons Fastest Growing Community Blog; Lewishamcampaigner.blogspot

Dear John Hamilton,
Your e-petition "Annul PFI contracts which are bankrupting public services" has now been published. You can view your e-petition at:
You can also share this URL to promote your e-petition or use the social network links available on your e-petition's page.
HM Government e-petitions

For more Understanding about PFI, pleae go to People Before Profit website and read a very good take on PFI from the Daily Telegraph, this is must read as clearly exposes the scale of this scandle. If Goverment can fine banks for PPI Insunace selling, we should be able to outlaw PFI Scams.


Carnival against the Cuts Set for Saturday 11 May 2013

The first planning meeting of next years Carnival against the cuts met last night and agreed a time and date with a range of radicle ideas to make the march as positive and proactive as it was last time it saw hundreds of local residents march through Lewisham on yet another cold, wet and rainy day to oppose the cuts in Lewisham being savagely and unfairly carried out by Labour Lewisham.
Full details will be going forv approval to the next People before Profit meeting. Once asgreed next week will publish more on this Blog.

Please if you have not done so already Sign the PFI petition, we need 100.000 signatures.

A&E Closure Sign the National, Petition to stop PFI and Save our Schools and Hospitals from the Sharks.

Dear All.
             Private Finance Initiative PFI, set up by the Labour party is cripperling the Health Service and Schools, it offers extremly poor value for the tax payer, but insures these loan sharks make Billions.
Bromley and Woolwich Hospitals were built for £210 Million, we the tax Payer have paid back £500 Million, by the end of the Lease we as tax payers would pay in rent and service charges a Staggering £2 Billion, and we will not even own the Buildings.
Across London A&E Departments are closing in part due to PFI. People before profit have Launched a Nationwide petition via the Number 10 Website petition to bring about a Commons debate to outlaw PFI. which we cannot afford and offers terrible value for money.

Please sign this online petition. we need 100.000 Signatures. Please forward to every one on your email list.

Save our Schools and the NHS>

More details on People Before Profit Website or Londons Fastest Growing Community Blog; Lewishamcampaigner.blogspot

Dear John Hamilton,
Your e-petition "Annul PFI contracts which are bankrupting public services" has now been published. You can view your e-petition at:
You can also share this URL to promote your e-petition or use the social network links available on your e-petition's page.
HM Government e-petitions

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Lewisham MP Jim Dowd and for once a great Speach on our Hospital Closure

In case you missed it ...  It's worth a read! it pains me to say Jim Dowd has made a good speech, but clearly our Hospital is far to important to allow any difference between groups when it comes to this issue. but this speech is so goode i could have writtern it. Clearly all of us on the March were witness to something very new and with no national media coverage you can understand why. read my other report on the Hospital March.

speaker:Jim Dowd : 1 Commons debate
Unsustainable Provider Regime (NHS) (28 Nov 2012)

PFI. stop PFI Sign the petition to save our NHS and Schools from the Sharks

Dear John Hamilton,
Your e-petition "Annul PFI contracts which are bankrupting public services" has now been published. You can view your e-petition at:
You can also share this URL to promote your e-petition or use the social network links available on your e-petition's page.
HM Government e-petitions

Annul PFI contracts which are bankrupting public services

Responsible department: Her Majesty's Treasury
Private Finance Initiative funding of new hospitals, schools, transport projects and MOD accommodation has been detrimental to public finances to the advantage of private interests.
As an example: South London Healthcare NHS Trust had two hospitals built under PFI schemes around 10 years ago. The cost was £210m but with payments this year of £69m and amounting to £2,500m over 30 years, it is heavily in debt. This is being used as an excuse to close Lewisham Hospital's A&E.
At least six other NHS trusts are similarly facing bankruptcy.
This is clearly due to profiteering by banks and construction firms at the expense of the public purse.
We call on H M Parliament to pass legislation annulling all existing PFI contracts without  compensation and transferring ownership of the buildings concerned to the commissioning organisations.
See for more information

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

People Before Profit Candidates in my area.

Lewisham People before Profit will be fighting all Lewisham seats at the next round of Elections as well as seats in Greenwich and Southwark, if you would like to think about standing as a People before Profit candidate anywhere in UK or abroad, please email.
 We are about to start a number of training days for people who have expressed an interest in being a local Councillor.
We are also looking to help build more groups to spread the People Before Profit agenda across the Globe, just one person can very fast build a campaigning group  thanks to social media and Blogs.
People before Profit members are constantly asked to speak to groups across the UK.
Do something truly amazing TODAY. set up your own local People Before Profit group.

Deptford Save the School House Question and response from Council

AreaQuestion asked by:     Mr R Woolford

Member to reply:       Deputy Mayor


In light of the present Housing Matters Consultation taking place and the estimate £150,000 cost of building each new council home, and the huge cost of B&B and hostel housing, will the Council confirm it will NOT be demolishing the modern, Council owned, without a Mortgage, 3 bedroom, double glazed, former Caretakers house as part of the site clearance on the site of former Deptford Green School by Deptford Police Station SE8.


The caretaker’s house sits within the curtilage of the school site and as such without the consent of the Secretary of State cannot be used for anything other than education purposes.  As part of the overall proposals to deliver a new, single site school, on the Edward Street/Fordham Park site the LA sought and received approval from the Secretary of State for the Amersham Vale site to be released for alternative use.  This was key to delivering the overall proposals because there is an absolute requirement under the planning approval for the new school to provide public open space on part of the Amersham Vale site to replace that space on Fordham Park which is used for the new school’s Multi Use Games.  

Clearly when these talks were taking place, no one bothered to note a perfectly decent family home was on site, yet further failings in Lewishams Labour adminstration.

Lewisham Hospital further Question to Lewisham Council

Question asked by:  Mr Woolford

Member to reply:       Councillor Best


The Mayor stated at the public hospital meeting, that the challenge would all be about the detail.

Can the Council confirm that it will include the rise of poverty faced by local residents and the impact on the health of the poor, which is on the increase in the Borough, and the very real Health issues this raises.  Will the Council also include the  huge population increase in the borough, which is set to rapidly increase with Convoy Wharf and Surrey Canal Road, and the fact most residents will be young and need Maternity services, which has not been taken into account in these proposals.


I can confirm that the Council will be producing a detailed response to the Trust Special Administrator recommendations and will indeed be looking at the potential impact of these proposals on our local community needs.

Question asked by:  Mr Woolford

Member to reply:       Councillor Best


The Mayor stated at the public hospital meeting, that the challenge would all be about the detail.

Can the Council confirm that it will include the rise of poverty faced by local residents and the impact on the health of the poor, which is on the increase in the Borough, and the very real Health issues this raises.  Will the Council also include the  huge population increase in the borough, which is set to rapidly increase with Convoy Wharf and Surrey Canal Road, and the fact most residents will be young and need Maternity services, which has not been taken into account in these proposals.


I can confirm that the Council will be producing a detailed response to the Trust Special Administrator recommendations and will indeed be looking at the potential impact of these proposals on our local community needs.