Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Lewisham Hospital PFI Question to Council with Answer

Question asked by:  Mr R Woolford (on behalf of Lewisham People Before Profit)

Member to reply:       Councillor Maslin


In view of the expected closure of the Lewisham Hospital A&E Closure owing to the near bankruptcy of the Area Health Authority because of the PFI introduced by the last Labour Government, will the Council confirm that it will no longer take part in PFI deals in the Borough.


The Trust Special Administrator has published a document ‘Securing Sustainable NHS Services’.  In it, he gives a number of arguments, for the rationale of closure of Lewisham Hospital A&E.  The Hospital PFI is but one of these arguments.  The Council and its officers are looking very carefully at the recommendations of the Trust Special Administrator, analysing all reasons given and will be responding to the current consultation.

However, at the council we have used PFI finance to fund much needed investment in schools and other infrastructure and our existing PFI commitments are affordable.  We are not currently planning new PFI

investment, but do not rule it out should a suitable opportunity arise to lever in affordable investment finance this way.

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