Friday, 1 June 2012

Housing campaign Victory update .May 2012

Lewisham Council Cabinet at a meeting held last night 31st May 2012, have agreed to the aims and objectives of our Housing campaign, by Removing from sale all the homes occupied by Lewisham People before Profit, and agreeing to have the homes refurbished by local social enterprise housing groups that will offer real jobs and training to local people, whilst bringing back to life these family homes,. to local residents in real housing need. After a very long campaign, Hundreds of signitures and thousands of Votes for Barbara Raymond, the people before profit GLA candidate in May local Elections.. Lewisham Council has listerned and acted..we are all truly delighted that common sense has won through.. Our Campaigns for jobs, affordable housing and in defence of cuts to front line services goes on. We may not have won the Election, but your votes, helped us win the Battle.Full details of LPBP website.

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