Monday, 18 June 2012

South London Press Report Housing Campaign victory

The South London Press, on friday confirmed that on May 39th at cabinet meeting, The Labour Council have agreed in full with our Housing campaign, They will no longer sell of our homes, they will get a local not for profit organisation to refit andv refurbish all the homes, whilst giving jobs and training to local people without work. It goes to show that when a community is united and vote in the numbers they did for Barbara Raymond in May, we can Win, and we can make a difference.

1 comment:

Ray Barron Woolford said...

Should read 30th May.
This Story was also front page of the Mercury headed.. Victory for Common Sense.
The BBC and other news media also covered this People before profit campaign.
Thank you everyone who has done so much to help win this campaign, the staggering 7000 votes Barbara Raymond Secured from local residents in the GLA elections, pushing People Before Profit second to Labour in our target wards, means at the next round of local Elections, it will be clear that we can win, and if you want real change People before Profit can and will deliver, as they are already in opposition. It also helped that some Labour Councillors from day one have supported this campaign, and we thank them sincerly.