Friday 21 June 2013

Food Bank Wars

Fed up with yet again finding the Pecan Church collecting food from Lewisham Tesco to feed Southwark Food Bank clients, this is food most local residents give, thinking they are giving to local residents. Are you aware these big food banks get Goverment funding as well as local Council grants? but you should be asking if they are getting all this tax payers cash, why are the staff working for free? and why are the public asked to give food and cash ? what is going on here? why are questions not being asked?
This week i have copied  and pasted the criteria for getting food from one of the many Trussel food banks is it really acceptable that people are asked to pray? is it just that a charity given millions in state funding for its Conservative party directors to feed people in need, is using free labour and securing food and cash from people unaware of what they are up to?
We Care Food Bank, welcomes every one, feeds people health food as long as they need it, treat our clients with respect and give support in hard times, not treat them as you would a sick dog in the street we give food 6 days a week, look after ever growing number of pets and have 2 paid workers thanks to residents who sell and rent homes through the south London estate agent i run Housemartins giving us the cash to buy decent food and run our hugely popular advice centre, Stores give us no support, we buy our food, our new furniture and charity shop brings in funding that makes our project sustainable asking for food is no easy task but we do important work to support our neighbours and do not ask for degrading vouchers, or decline people due to sanctions or unable to speak English or expect people to be grateful for getting aid after paying the price by losing a job as direct result of a financial crises that they had no part in.
We care would never dream to ask our clients to Pray, Give thanks or expect them to vote People Before Profit nor do we support or wish to be seen as part of the Big Society Labour and Tory no longer serve the interests of the poor, we are therefore doing our bit.
We hope when you are out and about you challenge what is going on. Because people are being seen to be doing a good thing, should not be a reason not to challenge, or ask Questions.
We do not get State Funding but use every penny to feed local residents in can make a donation to help us ; Co iop Bank Lewisham; We Care food Banks . Sort code 08 92 99 Account number 65659328

Trussel Trust Criteria as laid out on website ;
criteria and
· Client must be in receipt of a Trussell Trust food voucher
· On arrival at centre the client presents a voucher and is asked to verify and/or
information (see Data collected) and is offered the opportunity to have a chat
with a volunteer who provides signposting help, where possible, for reason of
presenting hardship
· Before the client is given bag(s) of allocated food, they are asked if they would
like to say a prayer
· Under Trussell Trust rules only 3 visits every 6 months can be made to the food
bank by the same client

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