Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Ladywell Gateway Project. Conserns raised about cycling & road safety and flats being sold offshore Helen Mercer thoughts

Dear All

There are now several issues emerging around the Loampit Vale / Lewisham Gateway development.

1. That the flats are being sold off abroad as speculative ventures

2. That Saxon Crown swimming club has been given privileged access to the new pool, making public swimming there very crowded.
3. That buyers into the development have gained the impression that they would have privileged access to the new pool (this is something that I was told, I haven't seen it reported anywhere.)
4. That the area is becoming an accident black spot with cyclists especially endangered.
5. The issues of Lewisham Bridge and the lack of playground facilities will grow each year as the school increases its intake (it is currently only taking years 7 and 8 at the secondary level). 
These are all problems that the Ladywell Pool campaign and the various Gateway campaigns highlighted at the time.
6. There appears from Richard's recent emails to be some interesting stuff going on around the old Ladywell Leisure Centre.
I think, when we can, when I can, when I have a bit of a breathing space, we need to consider what we can develop around these issues. They are certainly a major talking point in my area...
Just some thoughts anyway.
Helen Mercer; Ladywell People Before Profit ward team

People Before Profit have set up a seperate Planning Group lead by Helen Mercer to monitor planning applications in Lewisham as clearly Labour party in pocket of Developers. Should you wish to help/Join, you do need to be a party member, just be a concerned Local resident alarmed at what Labour is up to.
Please email me and i will forward your details to Helen. We are about to launch major campaign around these issues and welcome all the support we can get from across the world.

Raymondwoolford@aol.com or Tweet @Raywoolford.

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