Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Greenwich Food Bank open to all residents in need of food aid. run by Nicola & Micah Walters from Greenwich People before Profit

Greenwich Community campaigners Nicola and Mica Walters have started up a We Care food bank for Greenwich.
The New food bank is open to any resident that needs food aid, you do not need vouchers or recommendation, just proof of address, the We Care Food Bank Charity was launched last September by Ray Woolford and Barbara Raymond after they became alarmed at the number of working people going through estate bins for food.
We Care Food Banks also feed pets running the only pets food bank in the UK, presently the food bank feeds over 500 families a month and buys most of the fresh food it gives out from Fareshare and local markets, the 2 staff wages are covered by local estate agent Housemartins who give the food bank money every time they sell or rent a local home, this gives us stability and insures we never run out of money to buy food.
We have a huge shop on New Cross Road Deptford SE14 6TA which has a supermarket food bank at the back, and Advice centre and Charity/Furniture  shop at the front, the cloths and furniture pays the rent and rates and on a good week gives us money to buy fresh fish and chicken.
The Shop/Food Bank is open 11am-2pm Monday to Saturday the admin office is open usual office hours on 0207 231 0535 we are urgently looking for another empty shop and more donation points for people to drop of food.we can collect.
We Care Food Banks have an Account with Co Op in Lewisham you can donate direct sort code 08 92 99 Account number 65659328

Whom do we feed? Young people starting work who have welfare payments stopped and have to wait 5 weeks for first pay cheque.

Pensioners hit with a huge utility bill greater than there entire monthly income leading them to starve or freeze.

Young families not on welfare but self employed who do not get free school meals as they run a business, but due to late payments find they have no money to buy food.

Huge numbers of disabled people sanctioned with no money at all not even to pay rent.

People like you, Due to familie crises, redundantcy, huge bill debt need help .

Does it Cost? WWe ask every one if they have it, to give us just £1 this insures we are here every week, unlike the Trussel trust we do not get £23.Million in state aid nor will Supermarkets let us collect food for local people, big supermarkets have contracts with the large food bank networks insuring most food collected in Lewisham and Greenwich does not go to local people. yes it is a disgrace. and yes it is terrible that we need food banks. but we are were we are and we truly need your support.
Christmas a local big chain went bust, staff were sacked with no notice, they could not get benefit as they were owed money by the company whilst the company was bust so no money to pay. Thanks to the food bank these staff had a Christmas it could so easily be you or someone you love.
Most of the pensioners who use the food bank are to ashamed to tell family members they need help. Our Staff are like friends we treat our people as neighbours in need of support and help, we are the only Food Bank we are aware of that welcomes every one and does not judge or ask them to pray.

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