Wednesday 12 March 2014

Convoys Wharf; Mayor Boris will decide. Last hearing Monday 31 March 2014.

After 12 long years in Which Deptford residents have campaigned long and tirelessly to insure Convoys Wharf is a development the reflects our areas Heritage, Creates homes and jobs for local people and a Green Enterprise zone as proposed by People Before profit the planning decision is almost at an end.
On Monday 31 March at 4pm Mayor Johnson will hear Objections, Amendments and residents concerns for the last time before Having taking away the decision from Lewisham’s Labour Council for incompetence and rubber stamp whatever he and his advisors decide, regardless of what Community concerns are and ignoring his own Government, which promised to give local communities real power on planning issues.
Whilst Labour Lewisham have constantly put the interest of Developers before the interests of the people they are elected to serve, and even ignored there own Council policy on affordable homes number and percentage. People Before Profit have never stopped battle ling for Deptford.
We are Calling for a mass peaceful lobby of the GLA building as Ray Woolford will be speaking up for Deptford inside, People Before Profit will be Joined by South London Peoples Assembly, London Radical Housing Network. Lambeth United..Greens , Some GLA members and others . As you would expect with a People Before Profit lead event, it will be Peaceful, Colourful and Fun. We are asking people to dress as pirates as we will be bringing Giant waves and the.. Good Ship Profit... and call on all Londoners to join us in Defending our Heritage, Demanding  Local Jobs and truly affordable homes that local residents on the average wage of £28.000 per year can truly afford.
Mayor Johnson, may still surprise us, he may decide that the Land should be used to build a new Council estate and a green enterprise zone by taking  back the land  by compulsory purchase order..from the offshore developer for London for Londoners, not for profiteers  .
For the last time.. Come ,Be seen , Be heared!

Ray Woolford, Barbara Raymond & Clive Baulch 
Lewisham People Before Profit
follow Ray on Twitter@Raywoolford

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