VIDEO: Vivienne Westwood joins protest against co-operative housing sell-off in Clapham
2:30pm Wednesday 5th March 2014 in News
By Alexandra Rucki, Senior Reporter
The activist claimed the government is "brainwashing" people during the protest in Lillieshall Road, Clapham, this morning.
Demonstrators from Lambeth United Housing Co-operative gathered outside a former co-operative alongside Labour MP Kate Hoey, artist Maggi Hambling and comedian Mark Thomas.
The protest aimed to highlight evictions of Lambeth Council co-operative housing tenants, with the buildings being sold off for thousands.
Some tenants have been living and maintaining the co-operatives for up to 40 years.
Properties in the area sell for up to £900,000, with disgraced politician Chris Huhne spotted house hunting in the area.
Westwood, who lives in Clapham, said: "Don't trust the government they will try to manipulate you they will try to take your brain away to govern you and brainwash you to stop you thinking.
"These people are still living in the housing co-operatives. They are not going to live anywhere else, we have got to stop it happening."
Vauxhall MP Kate Hoey
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