Tuesday 18 March 2014

New Cross Ward People Before Profit Election work in the ward

Dear All,
             As we print & deliver  local ward news letter number 32,the local Council elections and the EU elections will take place on 28 May, and People Before Profit expect to make sweeping council seat  gains.
If you are fed up with establishment Labour and Tory and truly oppose cuts and privatisation, then please come and help us in Lewisham, or even think about standing yourself as a People Before Profit Candidate in your area.
New Cross Ward team meets every day monday to friday 2-4pm and then 7-9pm

Tuesday 12-4pm help out for an hour or full shift.. we have seperate team that helps stuffing envelopes and stuff that needs to be done by people who hate door knocking or have disability issues

Saturday;, From 10am stall in Deptford High Street until 2pm

Saturday 2-4pm door knocking across target wards.

Sunday 2-4 door knocking in target wards.

Request a full copy of our awesome local election policy manifesto  from our website;www.peoplebeforeprofit.org.uk

Follow Party on twitter;@ peopleB_profit
And Ray at :@Raywoolford
Text 07806 545 279

If you live outside of London and want to help but need place to stay, please email me direct ;Raymondwoolford@aol.com.

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