Monday 16 June 2014

Defend Council Housing ;Lewisham Branch.

Lewisham Defend Council Housing will be calling a public meeting to meet and discuss what can be done locally to promote and defend affordable social housing.
Wednesday 18th June 
6.30pm - 8pm 
Cafe No. 178, New Cross Road (5 mins from New Cross Gate station)

Agenda items (more items more than welcome)
·         Raise awareness about issues which constrain house building - local council borrowing cap and the historic issue of rents taken by central government via housing revenue account (see:
·         How we can constructively lobby the council to ensure it delivers on its social housing election promises.
·         Raising awareness about the for-profit trend we see in Housing Associations and the definition of “affordable” housing. (see:
·         Discuss activity around the large developments and lack of affordability, e.g. Convoys Wharf and Deptford Project.
·         Building connections with tenants and tenant associations across Lewisham. 
·         The 'Defend Council Housing' manifesto meeting, 28th June. 
All welcome,
Find us on twitter at and contact us at Tel: 07729452319

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