Wednesday 12 February 2014

Lewisham Council Help with energy bills and keeping warm

My name is Nichola Hughes, I work in the Council’s Energy Team. I wanted to tell you about a project that the Council is running called ‘Warm Homes, Healthy People’. The initiative aims to provide additional support to households who may be at risk of fuel poverty or are vulnerable during cold weather.

More information at

The scheme is referral based i.e. we rely on front line staff referring in people who they feel are vulnerable and ‘at risk’ during the colder winter months.

I imagine that those who work at the Food Banks are well placed to identify people who may need this additional winter support. I attach a referral form for you to cascade down to food bank workers and volunteers. They are welcome to refer people into the scheme.

If you have any questions, or would like me to come and give a short talk to you or your colleagues, just let me know.

Best wishes,
Nichola Hughes
Sustainability and Fuel Poverty Officer
London Borough of Lewisham
020 8314 7065

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