Wednesday 23 April 2014

Deptford Heritage festival early planning stage

Been asked to helpwith awesome bunch of l;ocals to organise a Deptford heritage festival to boost the high street and to help locals become more aware of areas historic importance and place in  history.
The Festival will include food and have stalls how to cook the amazing stuff you see in our many shops but may not have the money to buyor  food you are unable to cook or not even aware you would like the taste.
The festival will include walks around Deptford. Music including Opera . Art.  Litrature.Poetry.Heritage Drama and dance..the aim is to be a free festival held over a week with empty shops being used to do pottery, pubs and public spaces to be open and for all community to play a part in some way.
Whilst i have been asked to do this. It is not a political event and my position with Lewisham People Before Profit will not compromise the independence of the Festival.
Email me if you are interested.
We plan to hold public meeting after the local elections in May .
You can follow or tweet me on @Raywoolford

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